

Putting it mildly, the teenage and adolescent stage is interesting, often difficult for both teens and parents. While there are many wonderful parts of this time period, significant changes may include issues of autonomy, understanding who they are and then who they are in relationship to others, behavioral and emotional problems, physical changes, and a growing need for being respected, heard, and understood. Within this time-frame, certain teens may not transition well. Even though parents went through this age and stage, they can be left feeling helpless. A parent may worry constantly what their son or daughter will grow up to be like, especially if there are very obvious difficulties. I believe I can assist with teens in this phase of development.



While my primary focus is in working with your teen, it can be appropriate at times to have sessions with the parents and combined sessions as well. My focus in counseling is to examine the interpersonal relationships, both socially and within the family, of the teen. While focusing on what's not working or problematic is a part of counseling, and attempting to bring healing or problem solving to these areas, it is also a goal to understand the positive aspirations and goals of the teen, finding things that motivate them and move them towards a life of purpose and fulfillment. Whether the parent or the adolescent, I am available to speak on the phone to answer any questions and to see if I am a good fit.

5 Parts

  • Interview/Assessment

  • Treatment

  • Out of Counseling Assignments

  • Termination

  • Outcome-Evaluation

Get in touch

Email is the best way for me to correspond with you regarding all initial and first appointment questions. This also may take the pressure off feeling like you have to commit to counseling if you are on the phone with me, while also allowing me to often respond more promptly and with detailed information. I respond to all emails throughout the week.